The Church as a Thought Leader in Tech: A Kingdom Mandate

February 25, 2025
Exploring how the Church can lead in technological innovation, guided by the Holy Spirit and Kingdom principles.

In a world driven by rapid technological advancement, the Church is uniquely positioned to lead - not merely follow - in the tech space. As believers, we are called to be innovators, guided by the Holy Spirit, and anchored in the Kingdom mandate to bring Heaven to earth. This call to leadership is rooted in our identity as those who possess the mind of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:16) and are created in the image of the Creator Himself (Genesis 1:27). We are not merely consumers of technology but should be architects of cultural transformation through technological innovation.

The Prophetic Call to Lead in Innovation

The prophetic community is charged with discerning the heart of God and forth-telling His purposes on the earth. In the realm of technology, this means perceiving not only what is possible but also what is redemptive. We are invited to listen to the Holy Spirit for divine strategies and insights that can shape the future of technology in alignment with the Kingdom.

“I will pour out my Spirit on all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy, your old men will dream dreams, your young men will see visions.” – Joel 2:28

The outpouring of the Spirit that Joel prophesied and which Peter quoted at Pentecost in Acts 2, is not limited to spiritual matters but extends to all spheres of influence, including technology and culture. We are to be visionaries who anticipate shifts and navigate them with divine wisdom.

The recent pace of technology isn’t slowing down - and the faster the changes come, the more deeply society is affected. People are often overwhelmed with the pace of change, and when technology forces changes in the workplace (think of the Industrial Revolution), the Church should be at the forefont of guiding people to hear God’s heart for their lives.

Created to Create: Innovation as Worship

Innovation is an act of worship when it is inspired by the Holy Spirit and aligns with the unfolding purposes of God. The mandate to steward creation (Genesis 1:28) includes the digital and technological landscapes of our time. Creativity is a divine attribute imparted to evey human, since we are made in His image, and He is a creator, and through technological innovation, we can reflect the nature of God.

“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” – Ephesians 2:10

Our creative expressions, including technological advancements, are part of the “good things” God has prepared for us to walk in. We are invited to explore, invent, and innovate as an extension of our divine purpose. We have access to the mind and heart of God, and as such we have access to questions that the world cannot answer.

Using Tech to Advance the Gospel and Transform Culture

Technology is not merely a tool for evangelism but also a vehicle for cultural transformation. The Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) compels us to use every available means to disciple nations, including leveraging technology to reach the unreached, educate, and empower communities.

We should also remember that in God’s mind there is no sacred/secular divide - all things are subject to Jesus, the King of Kings. There is no sphere of influence or culture or technology that is not under His ultimate authority - and by extension, under the authority of the Church. We only have to ask Him how to walk it out - how we can leverage technology to truly transform and inspire people of all walks of life.

“Your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.” – Matthew 6:10

As Kingdom citizens, we are tasked with making the conditions on earth reflect the conditions of Heaven. This includes harnessing technology to bring about justice, creativity, healing, hope and prosperity.

Lessons from History: Where the Church Led and Where It Lagged

Stewarding Technology Well

  • The Printing Press: The Church leveraged Gutenberg’s printing press to mass-produce the Bible, democratizing access to Scripture and sparking the Reformation. This was a pivotal moment of Kingdom influence through technological innovation.

  • Radio and Television Ministry: Pioneers in Christian broadcasting utilized radio and TV to expand the reach of the Gospel, influencing generations and shaping culture.

Missed Opportunities

  • The Internet Revolution: Initially, the Church was hesitant to engage with the internet, allowing secular voices to dominate the space. This caution resulted in a slower adaptation and limited early influence in digital culture.

  • Social Media Dynamics: While social media presents vast opportunities for community and evangelism, the Church’s reactive rather than proactive approach has often led to polarization rather than reconciliation.

A Call to Action: Embrace Tech with the Holy Spirit’s Guidance

The Church is called to be a thought leader in technology — not by merely adopting trends, but setting them. We are invited to:

  • Listen prophetically for God’s heart and direction in technological innovation.
  • Create fearlessly, knowing that we are endowed with the mind of Christ and the creativity of our Creator.
  • Lead boldly in cultural transformation, using technology to bring Heaven to earth.
  • Disciple wisely, guiding communities through cultural shifts with Kingdom perspectives.

Practical Steps

  1. Cultivate Prophetic Insight: Engage in prayer and listening sessions focused on technological trends and innovations.
  2. Foster a Culture of Innovation: Encourage creativity and experimentation within the Church community, supporting tech startups and Kingdom-minded entrepreneurs.
  3. Leverage Platforms for Good: Use digital platforms to promote truth, build community, and influence culture with Kingdom values.

Conclusion: Fearless Innovation, Kingdom Transformation

We stand at a pivotal moment in history where technology is shaping culture at an unprecedented pace. The Church must rise to the occasion, leading with prophetic insight and creative courage. This is our Kingdom mandate — to innovate fearlessly, steward wisely, and transform culture by bringing Heaven to earth.

The question is not whether we should engage with technology, but how we will lead in this space. Let us embrace this call with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, ready to shape the future for the glory of God and the advancement of His Kingdom.

Will you answer this call to innovate and lead?